Non-Rated, Capture the King Tournament
(Grades K-8 Only)
Friday July 14, 2023 & Saturday July 15, 2023
**(Note: These are 2 separate tournaments with separate prizes and entry fees.)**
Perfect for:
The parent who feels their child is not ready to compete at a "National tournament level" yet because their child has just started to learn & play chess.
Have not yet learned know how to checkmate.
Have never played in any USCF sanctioned tournament.
Don't know how to keep score/notation nor use chess clocks.
Do not have a USCF rating nor membership.
Games are won by either capturing the opponent's king or checkmate.
"Touch Move, Touch Capture" rules will be followed.
Players play 2 games against each opponent for total of 8 games.
No elimination. Awards are based on total number of wins out of the 8 games for each player.
No USCF membership is required.
If player does have a USCF membership & rating, he/she can only have played in 1 prior USCF rated tournament, either online or over the board.
Trophies: Top 6 Individuals + Top Club/Team
Round Times: Friday: 9am, 11am, 1pm, 3pm Saturday: 9:30am, 11am, 1pm, 2:30pm
Entry Fee: $35 by May 14, $45 from May 15 - June 30, $55 on July 1 or after.
1/2 point Byes (Meaning you won't be able to play in that round due to another conflict): 1 available/tournament